Bible classes are very important to members of the Pikes Peak church of Christ. Year-round Sunday and Wednesday classes make an important difference in the way we live. Children grow up learning about the key Bible characters and their lives. Teenagers learn how to apply the important spiritual and moral lessons to their daily lives; adults study and grow ever stronger in their knowledge of God, God’s Son, and the church Jesus died to redeem.
New Christians are also encouraged to take part in the New Converts Class. Babes in Christ are given the opportunity to learn the fundamentals of the Bible and Christian living. A solid grasp of these fundamentals will help them remain faithful as they begin their Christian lives, develop a love for winning souls, and help them become participating members in the regular Bible classes.
The Young Marrieds’ class provides a forum for topical discussions. Classes are often led by one of our elders, providing insight on issues and problems facing young families in today’s world.
As we grow in Christ, Christians need to move from being only students of the word to being teachers as well. Members of the Pikes Peak church of Christ who express an interest in teaching are interviewed by our elders to confirm their soundness of understanding Christ’s teachings. (Acts 20:28,29) Opportunities exist for both men and women to teach classes. Men teach the teens and adult classes except for the “Ladies Only” classes. Men and women teach children’s classes from ages 1 to 11.
One of the best ways to learn about a subject or text is to prepare for a 13-week quarter!