Our Ministries
No matter what stage of life you are in, we have a place for you at the Pikes Peak Church of Christ!
Military Support
The Pikes Peak region is home to four major military bases — the United States Air Force Academy, Fort Carson, Peterson Air Force Base and Schriever Air Force Base. We are blessed to have Service Members from across our country and around the world as a part of our congregation at Pikes Peak. Many Service Members are with us for only a few years but many choose to make Colorado Springs and the church at Pikes Peak their home. The significant military…
Cadet Sponsorship
Sponsoring a Cadet – Okay, But What’s In It For Me? We’re blessed to live in Colorado Springs for a lot of reasons – beautiful scenery, nice weather, and outdoor activities galore. But have you ever thought that an Air Force Academy Cadets could be a blessing too? Well, if you become a sponsor of an Academy Cadet, chances are you’d feel even more blessed than you already do. How? Sponsoring a Cadet is a little like an adoption. You…
World Bible School
For God so loved the world that He gave his one and only Son, that who ever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life. This passage from John 3:16, perhaps the most memorized verse in all the Bible, is the cornerstone of the World Bible School ministry. God’s love is powerful. This same love motivates God’s children to share His gospel – the good news of a promised home in Heaven. World Bible School began in the…
Encouragement Ministry
The Encouragement Ministry provides a framework for regular communication with members who have been absent for more than eight days. Cards, letters, e-mails, text messages are provided by ministry workers to keep open the lines of communication, determine and meet needs, and most of all, provide encouragement to those who are in a time of difficulty. The Encouragement Ministry also assigns mentors or buddies to new members placing membership from other congregations to enlarge the new member’s circle of friends…
We believe that the first 60 seconds inside our building are critical in determining a visitor’s impression of the congregation. To help make that first minute a positive experience, we have greeters that extend a warm welcome to all our visitors as soon as they cross the threshold! It’s a great ministry that reflects a genuine, Christ-like love for all. When that first positive impression is made, the next job is meeting needs and answering questions. “Where can my daughter…
Navajo Outreach
Here is information about the Hogback Church of Christ, as well as others in the Navajo Reservation The Navajo (Dine) are among the most numerous Native American people, and the Navajo Reservation covers over 27,000 square miles in the states of New Mexico, Arizona, and Utah. The Navajo are a good and honorable people with a long and noble history.For the past 50 years, there have been many efforts to bring the Gospel to the Navajo. In the late 1950’s…
The Unveiled Gospel
The Unveiled Gospel [TUG] is a bi–monthly gospel journal published by good Colorado brethren under the oversight of the Pikes Peak elders. An occasional guest article may be found from time to time, but the mainstay contributors are Terry and Faith Smalling (La Junta, CO) and Tom Wright (Peyton, CO). Our Office Manager, Karissa Ballard, lays out each issue and deserves our heartfelt appreciation! Archives February 2025
Youth Programs
The purpose of the Pikes Peak Church of Christ youth ministry is to Shine His Light and Share His Word by helping our teens BECOME, CONNECT and SERVE. Through classes, devotionals, worship, and other teaching opportunities we hope to help our teens BECOME the Christian young people God wants them to be. Through activities, recreation and entertainment opportunities we hope to help our teens CONNECT with each other as friends and, more importantly, as brothers and sisters in Christ. Through…
Bible Classes
Bible classes are very important to members of the Pikes Peak church of Christ. Year-round Sunday and Wednesday classes make an important difference in the way we live. Children grow up learning about the key Bible characters and their lives. Teenagers learn how to apply the important spiritual and moral lessons to their daily lives; adults study and grow ever stronger in their knowledge of God, God’s Son, and the church Jesus died to redeem. New Christians are also encouraged…