

Brent McGuire

Brent McGuire takes all actions necessary to provide a safe and secure environment for worship and other congregational activities.  Brent and his wife Vicki have been a part of the Pikes Peak church since 2001.

Joe Costello

Joe Costello works in Youth Activities and helps mentor our kids for a fruitful life in the Lord. He and his wife Jill with their two boys have been members of our Pikes Peak family since 2020.

Dallas Durham

Dallas Durham works with our Young Families and Military. The Army and Air Force bring us the best families (but just for a little while!). We place great emphasis on putting these families to work and drawing them close into our fellowship. Dallas and his family have been members since 2021.

Glenn Ramsey

Glenn Ramsey also served as one of our Elders until recent years. He now works with Missions, especially our involvement with the World Bible School and the great work we are doing in Nigeria. He and his wife Redempta have been members of our Pikes Peak family since 2009.

Jim Follis

Jim Follis has a heart for Missions. He and his wife Susan have moved about the country in recent years but have always returned to Colorado Springs and our Pikes Peak family.

Nathan Follis

Nathan Follis is responsible for the Safety of our family when we assemble for worship and Bible study. Working along with our deacon for Security, Nathan is always looking out for us. He and his wife Kendra and their kids have been members of our Pikes Peak family since 2021.

Les Jones

Les Jones works hard to enhance our Fellowship and family connections in the Lord. Les previously served as one of our elders, but now he and Vicky have taken on this important work. The Jones have been members of our Pikes Peak family since 2007.

Joe Church

Joe Church serves in the areas of Budget and Planning. Joe and his wife Dana have been members of the Pikes Peak family since 2009.

Mark McClurg

Mark McClurg plays a special role in the area of Infrastructure — building renovations and improvements and valuable counsel in all areas impacting our long range plans. He and his wife Susie have been members of our Pikes Peak family since 2003.