Our church family here is a loving, close-knit group of Christians trying our best to live for Christ. We’re not perfect, of course, but we’re striving each day to let God’s Word be our guide for everything we do—in everyday life, at work, at school, at church. . . everywhere. Many of us come from different backgrounds, and we work in different fields, but we share a common love for Jesus Christ and His church and look for opportunities to share that love with others.
Maybe you’ve realized there’s a void in your life, like something’s missing. We would love to have you as our guest! This could be a perfect opportunity to connect with Christians in this area. It’ll be a non-threatening environment, and you won’t be singled out or made to feel uncomfortable in any way. Just come join us for this simple worship service where we’ll reflect on what Jesus Christ has to say to our lives.
The Pikes Peak church of Christ is a cross-section of the Pikes Peak Region.
Our members. . .
- Live from Black Forest to Fountain, Florissant to Falcon
- Come from diverse cultures
- Include Singles and Married
- Are Young, Old and in-between
- Are Employees, Employers and Retired
Whether you are. . .
- Planning to move to Colorado Springs
- New to the community and seeking a church home
- A long-time resident seeking fellowship, support and opportunities to serve the Savior, Jesus Christ
. . .there is a place for you at the Pikes Peak church of Christ
We teach and adhere to the following principles and items of faith:
- Repentance and baptism by immersion in water in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sin (Acts 2:38; Mark 16:16)
- Infallibility of the Scriptures (2 Timothy 3:16)
- Authority of elders (1 Peter 5:1-5)
- Worship on the first day of the week (Acts 20:7)
- Male spiritual leadership (1 Timothy 2:8-15)
- Local congregational autonomy (Titus 1:5)
- Age of accountability for baptism (no infant baptism) (Ezekiel 18:20)
- No instrumental music in worship; a cappella music only (Colossians 3:16; Ephesians 5:19)
- Communion and giving on the first day of the week (Acts 20:7; 1 Corinthians 16:2)
We’d love to see you soon. We’ve saved you a seat!